NOSORH Institutes

NOSORH institutes are topical, virtual learning opportunities offered to State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and other rural health stakeholders throughout the year.

Available Now:

  • New! Rural Health Grant Writing Institute
    Intended audience: SORH staff and their partners and stakeholders
    Description: The NOSORH Rural Health Grant Writing Basic Institute was developed to meet the unique needs of rural grant writers like you! Each session outlines one of the basic building blocks or strategies for successful program funding.
    The deadline to register is October 11, 2024.



  • Rural Health Clinic Institute
    Intended audience: SORH and anyone providing technical assistance to RHCs
    Description: The Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Institute was originally developed to help SORH build their capacity to provide technical assistance to RHCs. The sessions include a wide range of pertinent topics, and best practices from which anyone providing technical assistance to RHCs will benefit. Join us for this unique opportunity to enhance your ability to provide technical assistance to RHCs in your state.
  • Rural Primary Care Institute
    Intended audience: SORH staff and their partners and stakeholders
    Description: This institute equips participants with the tools to deliver effective technical assistance to rural primary care providers. The courses cover a wide range of relevant topics and best practices. Whether you opt for the entire institute or select individual courses, you’ll gain invaluable insights to better support your state’s rural primary care and safety net providers, empowering you to make a meaningful impact.


Past Institutes (Currently Unavailable):

  • Independent RHC Institute
    Intended audience: Rural Health Clinics
    Description: NOSORH, Stroudwater Associates, and the National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) held the 2nd Annual Independent Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Institute. This institute is specially designed for Independent RHCs but offers valuable insights for Provider-Based RHCs.
  • Purpose-Driven Leadership Institute
    Intended audience: SORH staff (please note that staff do not need to be in a supervisory role to participate)
    Description: NOSORH welcomes all SORH staff to sign up for the newly revamped 8-session Purpose-Driven Leadership Institute! Each session will build on the previous ones, encouraging the practical application of leadership principles in the unique context of rural health. The Institute is structured to integrate the principles of Simon Sinek, Dr. Brené Brown, and General Stanley McChrystal.
  • Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Mock Survey Masterclass
    Intended audience: SORH staff and other technical assistance providers working with SORH to provide in-depth expert support for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) certified RHCs
    Description: The RHC Mock Survey Masterclass was developed to meet the unique needs of SORH staff and other technical assistance providers working with SORH to provide in-depth expert support for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) certified RHCs.
  • Community Development Institute
    Intended audience: SORH staff, State Rural Health Association, Primary Care Associate staff, and others interested in enhancing their rural health leadership skills
    Description: The Community Development Institute is a new institute in the form of a series of ten online workshops sponsored by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) and presented by the Heartland Center for Community Development. Learn practical, immediately applicable strategies and useful tools to enhance your leadership and management skills as an established or emerging rural health leader to develop your rural community.
  • NOSORH Leadership Institute
    Intended audience: SORH staff, State Rural Health Association, Primary Care Associate staff, and others interested in enhancing their rural health leadership skills
    Description: The NOSORH Leadership Institute is a series of ten online workshops sponsored by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health and presented by the Heartland Center for Leadership Development. Learn practical, immediately applicable strategies and useful tools to enhance your leadership and management skills as an established or emerging rural health leader.
  • Rural Health Data Institute
    Intended audience: Rural health professionals. The sessions are designed for those who want to learn the basics of finding, analyzing, or communicating data to inform program planning and decision-making in and for rural communities
    Description: Would you like to know more about incorporating data into your daily routine working in rural health? Would you like to know how to present data to your colleagues in an engaging and impactful way? Then the NOSORH Rural Health Data Institute (RHDI) may be just the type of education you need! RHDI is a set of weekly web-based sessions designed to establish a minimum data-use skill set for those working with rural health data. The sessions are designed for those with little or no knowledge of the data use process.