NOSORH Committees

Executive Committee

Robert Duehmig
Oregon Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

3rd Tuesday of each month at 2:30 pm ET (2 exceptions).

Presidents Call
Tuesdays at 12 pm ET.

4th Monday of each month at 2:30 pm ET.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee plans and promotes the NOSORH Awards program to showcase SORH work and the values of NOSORH.  The committee supports collecting nominations and selects awardees for the annual NOSORH Awards.

Michelle Mills
Colorado Rural Health Center
[email protected]


Nominating Committee

Kirby Lecy
Massachusetts Office of Rural Health
[email protected]


Communications Committee

The Communications Committee guides the development and implementation of resources, activities, and messaging for NOSORH, National Rural Health Day and the Power of Rural platform.

Karen Madden
New York Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

4th Tuesday of each month at 11 am ET (variable).

Educational Strategy Committee

The Educational Strategy Committee shall have the responsibility to identify and understand SORH learning needs and levels of proficiency. The committee strategizes educational resources, promotes mentoring and approves travel scholarships to build SORH leadership capacity. The committee collaborates with other committees to educate them on SORH needs and make recommendations for resources to meet the needs of SORH.

Kirby Lecy
Massachusetts Office of Rural Health
[email protected]


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews NOSORH budget at least annually to help develop appropriate procedures for budget preparations and to check consistency between the budget and NOSORH strategic plan. It also provides oversight and assists the Treasurer to ensure that the organization’s State and Federal legal responsibilities with respect to non-profit status are handled in an appropriate manner. The Committee assists in the development of policies and procedures related to the organization’s budget and financial matters and monitors the investments of the organization according to the financial policies and procedures.

Corie Kaiser
Oklahoma Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

2nd Monday of each month at 3 pm ET.

Innovation Committee

The Innovation Committee’s purpose is to provide a future focus for how NOSORH can support SORH to best meet the evolving needs of rural communities. The committee identifies emerging trends and issues. It strategizes and seeks resources for the development of new programs that position the organization as a national leader in building the capacity of State Offices of Rural Health.

Graham Adams
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

Corie Kaiser
Oklahoma Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

4th Wednesday of each month at 2 pm ET.

Primary Care Committee

The Primary Care Committee has the responsibility to provide subject matter expertise and understanding of SORH, RHC, and other primary care providers’ needs.  The committee shall guide NOSORH in the development of capacity building resources to sustain, support, and strengthen primary care providers and SORH.

Kelly Braun
Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

3rd Monday at 2pm ET every other month.

Program Analysis and Response Committee

The Program Analysis and Response (PARC) Committee (formerly the PPMT Committee) provides proactive scanning and assessment of regulatory changes that impact programs important to SORH and their stakeholders. The committee provides support for the organizational response to these changes, analysis of pertinent data and issue briefs to build the capacity of SORH and their stakeholders to understand, communicate and act on the changing landscape of rural health. The committee links with the Policy Committee and others to inform SORH leadership to improve rural health. 

Crystal Barter
Michigan Center for Rural Health

4th Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm ET.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee shall be responsible for ensuring the accomplishment of the organization’s advocacy priorities, and informing NOSORH members, State Rural Health Associations and partners of these priorities. The committee ensures resources are provided to build support for these priorities. The committee tracks legislation of interest to the members and provides an opportunity for members to bring these issues forward for action by NOSORH. The Policy Committee informs the Program Analysis and Response Committee of emerging issues to ensure education or response to other relevant policy issues beyond its advocacy priorities.

Scott Daniels
Hawaii State Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
[email protected]

John Packham
Nevada Office of Rural Health
[email protected]

3rd Tuesday of each month at 3:30 pm ET.

Bylaws Committee

Albert Ruiz
Texas State Office of Rural Health