Rural Health Clinic Institute

The Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Institute was developed to help State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) build their capacity to provide technical assistance to RHCs. The webinars include a wide range of pertinent topics and best practices. Join us for this unique opportunity to enhance your ability to provide technical assistance to RHCs in your state. 

Who Should Attend?

SORH professionals interested in building their capacity to provide technical assistance to RHCs and gain an understanding of the unique programmatic regulations, statutes, successes, and challenges RHCs will need help with.  


    Chris Salyers
    Director of Programs & Evaluation, National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health

    Jill Oesterle
    Director of Provider Solutions, Michigan Center for Rural Health  

    Julie Quinn
    Compliance & Cost Reporting, Health Services Associates

    Kate Hill
    VP Clinic Services Division, The Compliance Team

    Michon Mayfield
    Director of Business Development, Quad A

    Patty Harper
    CEO, InQuiseek, LLC

    Sarah Hohman
    Director of Government Affairs, National Association of Rural Health Clinics

    Shannon Chambers
    Senior Director of Provider Solutions, South Carolina Office of Rural Health

    Tonne McCoy
    Technical Assistance Director, National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health



    Select from the options below to learn more:

    + July 6, 2023 | Starting the conversation for RHCs

    Speaker: Julie Quinn

    About: Rural communities are challenged with determining the appropriate primary care delivery model to meet the needs of the population and ensure long-term sustainability. Participants will discuss how to help communities decide if RHC is the right fit for the local primary care clinic and learn how to assist with conducting financial feasibility studies. Participants will learn to assist clinics with the decision to pursue RHC status and planning for ongoing financial compliance and sustainability. In addition, this session will cover the process of transitioning from a freestanding clinic to an RHC and an Independent RHC to provider-based. 

    + July 13, 2023 | Providing Technical Assistance to RHCs Part 1

    Speaker: Patty Harper 

    About: During this two-part series, participants will learn about options for providing high-level technical assistance to RHCS.  Examples include board governance, leadership training, revenue cycle management (coding/billing/reimbursement), cost reporting, and provider & staff recruitment.  

    + July 20, 2023 | Collaboration and Partnerships

    Speaker: Chris Salyers

    About: Participants will be provided with guidance on the organizations and experts to connect with to effectively support RHCs. Innovative partnerships built through collaboration at the state and national levels are key to strengthening RHCs. Information will be provided regarding state RHC associations and others such as the State Rural Health Associations, Primary Care Offices, and Primary Care Associations. 

    + July 27, 2023 | RHC Conditions of Participation

    Speaker: Michon Mayfield 

    About: Participants will review the CMS Conditions of Participation and learn about the requirements for RHC organizational structure, physical plant/safety, and staffing responsibilities. This session will include basic training on how to conduct mock surveys based on CMS guidelines. 

    + August 3, 2023 | Providing Technical Assistance to RHCs Part 2

    Speaker: Jill Osterle 

    About: Part 2 will highlight additional technical assistance offerings such as Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition, quality and operational improvements, technology or telehealth implementation, and integrating oral and behavioral health. This webinar will give SORHs suggestions for providing support to RHCs that do not involve high-level, direct technical assistance, such as conferences, webinars, and information dissemination (social media and newsletters).  Participants will hear about best practices from SORH with experience in these areas. 

    + August 10, 2023| RHC Compliance

    Speaker: Kate Hill  

    About: Participants will be able to identify the top RHC deficiencies in the nation, be able to provide best practices for “being survey ready”, and how to provide precise feedback/directions for compliance. 

    + August 17, 2023 | Understanding RHC Advocacy and Policy Efforts

    Speaker: Sarah Hohman

    About: The National Association of Rural Health Clinics, the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, and the National Rural Health Association will inform participants about current legislative and policy issues at the national level and provide an overview of opportunities for SORHs to become involved in advocacy efforts.

    + August 24, 2023 | Show Me the Data!

    Speaker: Shannon Chambers

    About: This webinar will focus on the needs, barriers, and challenges of RHCs. Needs vary from state to state, and each clinic has unique challenges, however, data demonstrate there are national trends and common issues. This session will provide an overview of existing needs assessment data, provide information on the impact of changing marketplace, new reimbursement methods, and regulatory environment on RHC. There will also be guidance to assist SORH in learning about the specific needs of RHCs in their states

    + August 31, 2023 | Moving Forward: Creating a lasting working relationship with RHCs

    Speaker: Tonne McCoy

    About: In this final webinar session, participants will learn how to put all the information together to develop a comprehensive strategy to work with RHCs most effectively and efficiently in their own states.

    Certificate of Completion

    Participants will be required to complete two poll questions in each session and a brief final evaluation at the end of the Institute. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who complete 75% of the in-session poll questions and the final evaluation.

    Technology and System Requirements 

    Participants will use iSpring, an online Learning Management System (LMS), to access handouts, presentation materials, recorded sessions, and communicate with the course instructor. Live sessions will be conducted through Zoom. Recordings of the presentations will be available for playback within 24 hours of the event.

    Only those registered for the Rural Health Clinic Institute will be provided a personal iSpring login and are permitted to join the webinars and view class materials. Failure to comply may result in access restriction.


    Payment via credit card or purchase order is accepted. Contact Kayren Cross at or (888) 391-7258 ext. 108 for questions regarding payment.


    For more information about the institute, contact Tonne McCoy, NOSORH Technical Assistance Director, at