Working With Vulnerable Hospitals and Communities


State Office of Rural Health Roadmap for Working with Vulnerable Hospitals-October 2016

State Office of Rural Health Roadmap for Working with Vulnerable Hospitals

This document is a narrative compendium describing the role of SORHs, types of technical assistance which may be applied before and after closure, and complete descriptions of SORHs examples of work, resources, and tools. A simple to use how-to “Toolkit” with a summary of information on types of technical assistance is also included. The toolkit includes easy-to-follow icons for tools, resources, and SORH examples.

Background on Hospital Closures

Background on Hospital Closures

States across the nation are experiencing an increase in hospital closure. The North Carolina Rural Health Research Program (NCRHRP) reports that more than 100 rural hospitals have closed their doors to patients in need of inpatient services from 2005 through 2015. This resource provides more information on hospital closures.

Regulatory Requirements for Closure of a Hospital

Regulatory Requirements for Closure of a Hospital

This document, compiled in September 2016, breaks down the regulatory requirements for the closure of a hospital. Please note that SORHs should understand that the regulatory environment is constantly changing. This resource should be verified with experts in individual states as needed.

SORH Self Assessment

SORH Self-Assessment

The information and questions provided in this resource include a 4 step process intended to help State Offices of Rural Health determine what role they should (or should not) play in providing technical assistance for vulnerable hospitals and communities. SORHs should understand that their role may need to change over time, depending on the technical assistance needs of the vulnerable hospitals and communities. This assessment is meant to provide a general guide for discussion and a framework for articulating the technical assistance role of the SORH.