The NOSORH RHC Committee recently revised and released Module #1 – An Introduction to the Rural Health Clinic Program. This educational resource is an overview of the Rural Health Clinic Program and related requirements. The Committee will continue updating each module in the series of educational resources found on the RHC Resources page of the NOSORH website. Stay tuned for a webinar in late July to reintroduce both Module #1 and Module #2.
Finally, it’s that time again- RHC Technical Assistance Survey time!! The purpose of this survey is to gain an understanding of the technical assistance needs your SORH may have for assisting primary care providers in your state and to help shape the work of the RHC Committee. The results of the survey will be compiled and shared. Please complete the survey by June 17, 2019. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to the RHC Committee and partner members for providing your time and expertise to these valuable resources.
If you have interest in learning more or engaging with the RHC Committee, please reach out to Crystal Barter ([email protected]), Committee Chairperson or Tammy Norville ([email protected]).