We are only a couple months away from the start of the Regional Meeting season. The first two this year are Region D in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, and Region A in Eastham, Massachusetts. Both regions will feature an optional pre-meeting session, so plan to arrive early to attend. The deadline to register for Hawaii is May 13 and the deadline for Massachusetts is May 1 at 5:00pm ET.  Please be sure to register for the meetings and to get your hotel booked as soon as possible. NOSORH is not able to guarantee a room after these deadlines. If you have questions about these meetings or any of the others, please contact Matt Strycker at [email protected].

Region D:

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

June 4
1:00-5:00 PM
Pre-conference meeting on Telehealth

June 5-6
SORH Regional Meeting

King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel
75-5660 Palani Road
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740

Reservation: The federal rate is $189 per night. The total rate including taxes is $216.76. Please use code: “NRHG” to get the rate. Click here to make your hotel reservation or call 800-367-2111.

Reservation deadline: May 13, 2019

For the meeting registration and draft agenda, click here.

There will be an optional telehealth meeting on June 4, 2019 from 1:00-5:00pm. You will have the option to register for it when you register for the regional meeting.


Region A:
Eastham, Massachusetts

June 18
8:00 AM – 12:00
Pre-Conference meeting on Building Collaboration with Community Based Grantees

June 18-20
SORH Regional Meeting

Four Points Sheraton 
3800 State Highway 
Eastham, Massachusetts 02642

Please Note: Hotel reservations must be made by May 1 at 5:00 pm ET. We are unable to guarantee availability beyond this day and time. 

The federal rate is $113 per night. The total rate including taxes is $123.96.  Please mention code “SORH Region A Meeting” to get the rate. Call 508-255-5000 to make a reservation.

For the meeting Registration and draft agenda, click here.

There will be an optional pre-meeting session on working with FORHP’s Community Based Division grantees that you can choose while registering.


Information for all 5 Regional Meetings can be found here.

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