Resources for Philanthropic Engagement
The world of rural-interested funders has changed and expanded over the past decade. The continued creation of local healthcare conversion foundations, the new presence of national foundations founded by living donors, and an increasing interest in social determinants of health all serve to create a unique moment – for both non-profits and governmental agencies – to take another look at how best to develop and implement a philanthropic strategy.

SORH Philanthropic Case Studies
These short examples/case studies highlight a few SORH and their relationships with funders. In this resource, you’ll find examples from three State Offices on projects they’ve worked on and tips for developing relationships with funders.

A Quick Guide to Rural Philanthropy Resources
This guide provides a jump-start on building philanthropic relationships and up-to-date news on what’s happening in the rural philanthropic world.

SORH Guide to Supporting a Rural Philanthropic Strategy
This guide provides the basics of a rural grant-seeking strategy, including tips on building relationships with funders and getting to know the philanthropic landscape in your state.

The Index Explosion by Allen Smart
“The purpose of this report is to assist the philanthropic community in selecting and using the large and growing collection of publicly available indexes and rankings that measure a variety of social conditions and challenges that concern funders in the United States.”
Developing and Implementing a Rural Philanthropy Strategy by Allen Smart
This presentation explores the changes in the health funding landscape, types of funders, and the philanthropic environment.

Investing in Rural Prosperity
“Investing in Rural Prosperity, published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, seeks to help rural individuals and communities achieve shared economic prosperity. By outlining a framework for how to approach rural development successfully and showcasing stories of progress in different communities—as well as highlighting opportunities for policymakers, practitioners, funders and researchers—the editors and authors hope to advance this important goal.”

Future of Rural Health Care Task Force (page #39)
“AHA’s Future of Rural Health Care Task Force has released a report with recommendations for long-range solutions for improving rural health and health care in America. Read more for the innovative solutions and promising practices for care delivery, as well as models to ensure the financial stability of rural hospitals and access to care for rural residents.”

The Power of Rural Philanthropy
“This report looks at recent trends in rural philanthropy-building and examines the inclusive and innovative ways that rural communities are taking philanthropy into their own hands. Their goal is simple: to generate resources from within their rural communities to effect community change, now and into the future.”