Rural Opioid Resources
The number of Americans being impacted by the misuse and abuse of opioids has reached epidemic levels. As opioid overdoses become more common, the greatest threat continues to be in rural communities that lack the capacity to deal with the issue on their own.
NOSORH has developed a compendium of all Rural Opioid Educational Resources available across our website to aid individuals looking for education, tools, and other resources. This includes reports, webinar presentations, meeting presentations, and a compendium of resources and lessons learned from grantees of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy’s Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal (ROOR) grant program. As new resources become available, more information will be added. For more information on NOSORH’s rural opioid resources and education, contact Chris Salyers at [email protected].

3 Questions to Integrate Substance Use Disorder Services into Primary Care
This fact sheet provides information and education, including examples of tools and potential mentoring opportunities for those rural healthcare providers beginning to provide or providing substance use disorder treatment services.

SORH Response to the National Substance Use Disorder Crisis
State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) around the nation have a responsibility for the coordination of rural health activities, the collection and dissemination of rural-relevant information, and the provision of technical assistance to public and non-profit entities regarding programs that improve rural health. To examine the extent of which SORH are engaging with recent substance use disorder and opioid use disorder (SUD/OUD) initiatives in their states, this issue brief scans how SORH are aiding their rural communities, while meeting the expectations of the SORH grant.

Lessons Learned from Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal Grant Recipients
NOSORH collaborated with FORHP to document the successes, challenges, and strategies of implementing the Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal (ROOR) program. This report provides a summary of lessons learned from ROOR grant recipients on how to engage, educate and connect stakeholders to resources available to help combat the opioid overdose epidemic.