Rural Health Data Institute
What is the Rural Health Data Institute?
The Rural Health Data Institute (RHDI) is a series of educational webinars designed for busy rural health professionals that want to learn more about incorporating data into their everyday efforts. The sessions are designed for those who want to learn the basics of finding, analyzing, or communicating data to inform program planning and decision-making in and for rural communities.
Graduates of the RHDI will have the skills needed to define basic data terminology and analysis methods, summarize the steps to find, filter, interpret and compare rural-relevant data, and evaluate resources and methods of data communication to enhance rural data-driven program planning and decision-making. Recordings of all live sessions are made available to accommodate busy schedules. No homework is required for this course, though participants are encouraged to actively engage in the forum.
Attendees will participate in eight 1.5-hour webinars with supplemental resources and occasional quizzes, plus a brief introductory session to EduBrite – NOSORH’s learning management system. Session surveys and a final evaluation are required for a certificate of completion.
Get in Touch
For questions about the Rural Health Data Institute, please contact Chris Salyers, NOSORH Director of Programs and Evaluation, at [email protected] for additional information.