Purpose-Driven Leadership Institute

NOSORH welcomes all SORH staff to sign up for the newly revamped 8-session Purpose-Driven Leadership Institute! Each session will build on the previous ones, encouraging the practical application of leadership principles in the unique context of rural health. The Institute is structured to integrate the principles of Simon Sinek, Dr. Brené Brown, and General Stanley McChrystal.

Throughout the Institute, participants are encouraged to engage in discussions, share experiences, and actively apply the principles learned in their specific rural health leadership contexts.


Who Should Participate?

State Offices of Rural Health staff. Please note that SORH staff do not need to be in a supervisory role to participate. All people are capable of being leaders, and this Institute will help develop and hone your skills!


Course Structure and Requirements

Each session is designed for a one-hour webinar, with flexibility for Q&A and participant interaction. Participants will be required to engage in discussion during each session, complete homework and a final project, and submit an evaluation to earn a certificate of completion. Participants must attend and participate in a minimum of seven out of the eight sessions.



Tonne McCoy, M.S., CRHCP, LSS – Green Belt
NOSORH Technical Assistance Director



The cost is $1,000. Registration is now closed. 


The Institute will take place from May 16, 2024, to July 2, 2024.

May 16 : Session 1, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Foundations of Purposeful Leadership
Introduce the concept of purpose-driven leadership and its relevance to rural health contexts. 
May 23: Session 2, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Building a Culture of Trust and Vulnerability
Explore the principles of vulnerability and trust-building in rural health leadership. 
May 30: Session 3, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Adaptive Leadership for Rural Health
Introduce adaptive leadership principles, drawing inspiration from General Stanley McChrystal’s “Team of Teams.”
June 6: Session 4, 2:00-3:00 PM ET

Effective Communication and Team Collaboration
Focus on communication strategies and building effective teams in rural health contexts.

June 13: Session 5, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Resilience and Leading Through Uncertainty
Explore the concepts of resilience and leading through uncertainty, integrating insights from all three leaders.
June 20: Session 6, 4:00-5:00 PM ET
Navigating Change and Innovation
Discuss strategies for navigating change and fostering innovation in rural health leadership.
June 27: Session 7, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
Collaborative Leadership and Team Dynamics
Explore collaborative leadership and effective team dynamics in rural health contexts.
July 2: Session 8, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Culminating Leadership Showcase and Action Planning
Provide a platform for participants to showcase their leadership initiatives and develop action plans for ongoing growth.

Please note that all sessions take place at the same time except for session #6 on June 20 and session #8 on July 2.


For questions about this institute, please contact Tonne McCoy, NOSORH Technical Assistance Director, at tonnem@nosorh.org.

For questions about registration, please contact Trevor Brown, NOSORH Program Specialist, at trevorb@nosorh.org.