Past Event Materials
Annual Meeting 2020 Virtual
Agenda SORH Environmental Scanning during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Kirby Lecy, Lisa Davis, Sarah Andersen Are you a Goose? Should you be a Goose? Dr. Nancy Dickey, Dr. Bree Watzak SORH Show and Tell: Communicating the SORH Impact - Ernie Scott, Zora Radosevich, Maria...
Region D SORH Partnership Meeting 2020 – Virtual
Agenda SORHs and the Future of Rural Health - Teryl Eisinger, Dr. Chris Salyers and Mikael Redmond Are You a Goose? Should You be a Goose? - Dr. Nancy Dickey and Dr. Bree Watzak Building SORH Capacity Through Community Engagement - Kirby Lecy Adverse Childhood...
Region B SORH Partnership Meeting 2020 – Virtual
Agenda SORH Capacity and Engagement for the Future - Teryl Eisinger, Dr. Chris Salyers, Rachel Moscato Building SORH Capacity Through Community Engagement - Kirby Lecy
Region B Pre-Meeting 2020
Agenda Recording of Meeting Part 1 Recording of Meeting Part 2 Recording of Meeting Part 3 Recording of Meeting Part 4 CMS Update - Lana Dennis Cultural Competency Training - Alyssa Kennett
Region C SORH Partnership Meeting 2020 – Virtual
Agenda SORH Capacity and Engagement for the Future - Teryl Eisinger and Dr. Chris Salyers SORH Capacity and Engagement for the Future - Mikael Redmond Promising Strategies to Address the Mental Health Crisis in Farm Communities - Dr. Alana Knudson Adverse Childhood...
Region A SORH Partnership Meeting 2020 – Virtual
Agenda SORH Capacity and Engagement for the Future - Teryl Eisinger, Dr. Chris Salyers, Suzanne Stack Performance and Outcome Measurement for State Grantees-John Gale Rural Transportation - Robin Phillips
Region A Pre-Meeting 2020 Virtual
Agenda Helping CAH's Become Trauma Centers - Juliet Altenberg Helping CAH's Become Trauma Centers - Samantha Smith Community Paramedicine - London Burress-Kimbrugh Pennsylvania EMS Networks - David Jones
Region E SORH Partnership Meeting 2020 Virtual
Agenda SORH Capacity and Engagement for the Future - Teryl Eisinger, Dr. Chris Salyers, Rachel Moscato Building Community Capacity using the CHNA eToolkit - Kylie Nissen, Julie Reiten, Amy Breigenzer Rural Providers and Communities Addressing Social Determinants of...