Partner Invitation

You’re invited to invest in NOSORH’s mission!

The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) plays a crucial role in fostering leadership, education, advocacy, and networking opportunities for the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and their stakeholders – all dedicated to enhancing health and wellness in rural communities.

At NOSORH, we recognize and value the power of collaboration. That’s why we actively seek partners who share our rural health mission. We extend an invitation to partner with us to create meaningful change and improve the lives of rural Americans.

Partner with us in advancing the “Power of Rural”

NOSORH appreciates the valuable, lasting connections established with fellow rural health advocates and innovators over the years.

Each partnership level offers unique opportunities for involvement, such as special recognition during National Rural Health Day, co-branded webinars, event promotion, and other avenues for enhanced visibility for your organization.

No matter the level you select, your contributions will leave a lasting imprint on rural health!

Note: Investing Partnerships are effective Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025

Partner With Us

To register as a partner, click the button below:

The partner registration deadline is Friday, August 16, 2024.

Get in Touch

For more information, contact Ashley Muninger, NOSORH Communications Director, at