PARC/ Regulatory
PARC Responsibilities
The Program Analysis and Response Committee (PARC), formerly the PPMT Committee, provides proactive scanning and assessment of regulatory changes that impact programs important to SORH and their stakeholders. The committee provides support for the organizational response to these changes, analysis of pertinent data, and issue briefs to build the capacity of SORH and their stakeholders to understand, communicate and act on the changing landscape of rural health. The committee links with the Policy Committee and others to inform SORH leadership to improve rural health.
PARC Chair
Crystal Barter
Michigan Center for Rural Health
[email protected]

PARC Consultant
Harvey Licht is a Senior Associate with the Varela Consulting Group. In this capacity, he works in support of several NOSORH committees. Previously, Harvey was Director of the Primary Care and Rural Health Office of the New Mexico Department of Health. He oversaw a wide range of programs, including the State Office of Rural Health, Primary Care Office, Rural Health Care Practitioner Tax Credit Program, Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program, New Mexico Health Service Corps, Small Hospital Health Improvement Program, J-1 Visa Waiver Program, and the New Mexico Primary Care Capital Fund.