Ten new key SORH staff recently attended the 2018 New SORH Orientation on December 5-6, 2018, in Bethesda, MD. Thank you to Corie Kaiser (OK) and Lynette Dickson (ND) who provided attendees with SORH leadership and management “tips and tricks”. Attendees were also introduced to the divisions of FORHP along with the Bureau of Health Workforce, Bureau of Primary Health Care, and met with their grant management specialist all within one day. Congratulations to Chris Salyers, NOSORH Education and Services Director, and Suzanne Stack, FORHP Public Health Analyst, for a successful meeting.

A newly updated manual for new SORH staff is now available for download on the NOSORH website. The manual serves as a great primer to help understand rural health, acronyms and key rural health organizations.

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