RHIhub Spotlight

The RHIhub ended the year with a recap of the Top 10 Rural Monitor Articles of 2018, featuring stories on young rural healthcare leaders, rural EMS recruitment and retention, social determinants of health, death certificates as important public health documents, rural...

Grant Budget Options for SORH

Grant Budget Options for SORH SORH Budget Planning The information in the SORH Budget Planning document supports budget development for the State Office of Rural Health (SORH) grant, Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) grant, Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility...

NRHD 2018 Schedule of Events

NOSORH Webinar- Policy and the Power of Rural from 11:00-11:30 am ET This conversation will focus on the current and future work of rural health policy, how rural citizens can communicate with policymakers and their communities to make an impact on rural health, and...