RHIhub Spotlight

RHIhub has published two new Rural Monitor stories highlighting the great things that are happening in rural communities across the nation: Making Informed Decisions about Rural EMS – Discusses the EMS Informed Self-Determination Process developed by Kevin McGinnis...

TruServe Update

NOSORH and TruServe will be hosting a TruServe Roundtable on May 15th at 3pm Eastern. This will be a unique opportunity for TruServe users to provide input and suggestions to make TruServe a more user friendly experience. Questions for consideration will be sent out...

Policy Update

The following update was provided by Hall Render, NOSORH Policy Liaison: FY 20 Spending Bills Introduced in Congress On April 29, the House Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee introduced their fiscal year (FY) 2020 spending bill. The bill provides $12,500,000 for...