Rural Policy Update

Rural Health Package Being Considered by Congress With the Senators preoccupied with impeachment hearings during January, Congressional staff continue to work on advancing health care legislation in 2020. In May, Congress will need to reauthorize or extend a number of...

policy docs

2020 Policy Sheet Final NOSORH member meeting NRHA PI

Rural Policy Update

Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations Become Law During the final legislative week of December 2019, Congress passed and the President signed into law, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 HHS Appropriations bill. Congress appropriated the State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) Grant...

Rural Policy Update

Passage of Stopgap Shutdowns Potential Midnight Shutdown On November 21, President Trump signed a continuing resolution bill funding the government through December 20, 2019. This stopgap measure provided Congress four additional weeks to reach an agreement on a...