Rural Health Policy Update

October 2024

Update provided by Andrew Coats, NOSORH Legislative Liaison 

Authorization Update
NOSORH had a big September working the halls of Congress! On September 25, the Rural Community Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Authorization Act was introduced. The strong bipartisan bill (H.R. 9842) was introduced by Reps. Miller (R-WV), Sewell (D-AL), Carter (R-GA), Kuster (D-NH). Here is the bill text. NOSORH plans to get a companion bill introduced in the Senate by November. The goal is to get the RCORP authorization bill through Congress by the end of 2024.

Work continues with members in the House and Senate to introduce a bipartisan-bicameral bill reauthorizing the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex). Sponsors in the House and Senate have been working to finalize the legislative text and are planning to introduce the bill in November.

Appropriations Update
Congress wrapped up its September work period by passing a three-month continuing resolution (CR) that will continue to fund HHS and other federal agencies at FY 2024 levels through December 20, 2024. The stopgap spending measure prevents a government shutdown on October 1. The CR was the last major piece of legislative business on Congress’ agenda before adjourning for its pre-election recess. The CR also tees up a year-end omnibus legislative package, including Medicare telehealth flexibilities.

Below are the FY 25 funding levels for rural health programs that have advanced out of the House and Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Committees.

· Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility program
– House FY 2025: $74,277,000 of that amount, $25,942,000 for the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (SHIP)
– Senate FY 2025: $64,277,000 of that amount, $40,942,000 for SHIP
– FY 2024 enacted: $64,277,000

· State Offices of Rural Health grant program
– House FY 2025: $13,500,000
– Senate FY 2025: $14,500,000
– FY 2024 enacted: $12,500,000

· Rural Residency Planning and Development
– House FY 2025: $14,000,000
– Senate FY 2025: $14,000,000
– FY 2024 enacted: $12,700,000

· Rural Communities Opioids Response Program
– House FY 2025: $145,000,000
– Senate FY 2025: $155,000,000
– FY 2024 enacted: $145,000,000