The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established a designation for health service providers called Essential Community Provider (ECP).There are requirements for Qualified Health Plans to assure that a bare minimum of these key service providers are part of their networks.
2019 Essential Community Provider Listing – Overview
A detailed Overview describing the use of the spreadsheet below
Program Year 2019 Essential Community Provider Listing
This spreadsheet includes all the ECPs recognized by CMS for the 2019 Program Year. The listing provides a record for each ECP site. It includes details including location and staffing for each site as well as affiliated organizational information for each site. Filters are established on key data fields permitting users to separate out listing by state, site location and ECP type. You can use the spreadsheet to view those ECPs in your state and identify any rural providers that might be omitted. Omitted providers can petition CMS to be added to the listing.