Join rural EMS stakeholders from across the country in historic Charleston, South Carolina, for the 5th Annual National Rural EMS & Care Conference! Plan to arrive one day early for a half-day EMS Grant Writing 101 Workshop! This optional workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 16, from 1:00-5:00 pm. Rural EMS agencies and other interested partners will learn how to write and submit a complete grant proposal, understand rural relevant data important to EMS and identify funding opportunities. Click here for the draft workshop agenda.

For the first time, this year’s conference will feature breakout tracks with topics geared toward Critical Access Hospitals and the Flex program. Click here for the draft Conference agenda.

The conference will be held at the Francis Marion Hotel, 387 King Street, Charleston, SC. To book a room, please call 843-722-0600 or 877-756-2121 and reference the “NOSORH EMS Meeting” to get the $256.51 per room/per night rate (This includes taxes and fees). You may also book online by clicking here.

Click here to register for the Conference and the optional Grant Writing 101 Workshop.

Check the NOSORH website for more information.

Please share this registration information with all partners, providers, or other interested parties. Also, please include in any newsletters or other distributions you may have.

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